Strategic Plan

Outline of Process and Cornerstones of Belief

In the summer of 2018, the Board of Governors, in cooperation with the Head of School, began the plan to conclude the current Strategic Plan and to formulate the new Strategic Plan built upon the hopes and dreams of the community through community meetings, workshops, focus groups, interviews and brainstorming activities to identify a clear path for ISH.

Through these outreach programs, it became understood that the Vision was a living breathing statement in the eyes of the community but that the Mission needed fresh eyes and updating. The Mission review was added to the process with initial input coming from the Educational Leadership Team to be taken to the Strategic Plan Retreat held on January 24 2019. From this meeting, a revised Mission and draft Strategic Plan was developed to be approved by the Board in the May 2019 meeting.

It was clear in various meetings that there are cornerstones of belief at ISH. The motto, “Each one is unique” has guided the plans for the school for many years with the recognition that students each have their own strengths and challenges. ISH seeks to further strengthen teaching and learning with this in mind by focusing on individualisation of programs to a greater degree. Another cornerstone of belief is that diversity strengthens our community. We foster cultural understanding and celebrate internationalism. A third cornerstone is that the social and emotional atmosphere is critical to our success in a school with a high turnover of students. We seek to continuously find ways to make the community and space feel good for all. We believe that a high level of all services must always be maintained at ISH to retain our brand identity and to truly serve our constituents.



Introduction to the process with the Board of Governors

August- September

Future of Learning and Work sessions held for constituent groups


Focus group meetings of Staff, Parents and Students; Board Strategic Planning Sub-Committee meets; Educational Leadership Team Retreat


School prepares for Preparatory Visit of NEASC/CIS in February 2019; Board sub-committee meets to review CIS standards for Guiding Statements and makes recommendations to the Board


Board reviews progress of Strategic Planning and Policy updates related to Guiding Statements


Submission of CIS/NEASC preparatory accreditation reports

January 16

Board confirms agenda with retreat

January 24 2019

Strategic Planning Retreat of representative groups

February 11

First Draft of Strategic Plan and Mission revision presented to Board

MARCH 2019

Comments and edits gathered in response to Draft Strategic Plan from Staff; Final edits completed.

APRIL 15 2019

Board approval of Strategic Plan 2019-2024

November 2020

Board retreat for develpment and growth

We empower and inspire one another to take thoughtful action.







Pursue comfort, health, and happiness for all

Focus on Community, Social/Emotional Development, Wholeness & Balance


Develop a forward-thinking social-emotional support framework to serve our students that is a model and inspiration for international schools.


Foster a learning environment that seeks wholeness and balance.


Lead schools in ensuring learning environments flexibly adapt to promote engaging and inspiring learning experiences.


Explicitly support student transitions to prioritize them as learning experiences.


Ensure all kinds of people feel valued within a community

Focus on Individualizing, Collaboration, and Value in Diversity


Individualized learning is developed for everyone.


Active collaboration is essential to all learning experiences.


Build understanding and promote the transparent value of an inclusive and fair learning environment.


Integrate multi-literacies and embodied learning into the fabric of student learning experiences.


Develop skill in making one’s own decisions that matter

Focus on Challenge, High expectations, Self-actualization and Agency


Develop a deep understanding of agency with thoughtful and purposeful learner choice.


Develop programs that nurture self-actualization to develop perseverance.


Promote student and teacher  practice to both innovate and initiate new ideas.


Challenge students with learning opportunities that require high level engagement and difficulty.


Know one’s actions contribute to an increasingly complex world

Broaden experiences, Deepen empathy, Take responsibility, Seek purpose


Broaden student life experiences in order to promote IB Learner Profile attributes.


Deepen student life experiences to integrate real-world experiences into classroom learning.


Develop active global citizens by connecting students to 21st century issues that will impact their lives, specifically sustainability and social justice.


Inspire students to develop passion about topics of interest and importance to others.


ISH Learning embodies the following principles:

Learning is individualized

Learning is social

Learning is reflective

Learning is authentic

Learning is lifelong

NEASC Learning Principles

Learning Principle 1: Learners demonstrate understandings, competencies, knowledge and dispositions, and values that will allow them to become responsible and successful citizens

Learning Principle 2: Learning encompasses creative, moral, social, experiential, and entrepreneurial dimensions.

Learning Principle 3: Assessment measures the effect of learning on the learner. Assessment for, of and as learning includes qualitative as well as quantitative criteria.

Learning Principle 4: Meaningful learning is extended when learners explore the unfamiliar, consider a range of perspectives, and take informed risks. Mistakes are seen as opportunities for learning.

Learning Principle 5: Learners are engaged and inspired by their learning. They have autonomy over their learning and make informed choices, supported by teachers acting as coaches and mentors.

Learning Principle 6: Research, reflection, and future design-oriented thinking are valued and acted upon by the community of learners

Learning Principle 7: The learning community embraces a culture of inclusiveness

Learning Principle 8: Governance, leadership, and management support, embody and promote the organization’s intended learning impacts, norms and values.

Learning Principle 9: The design of learning spaces and the structuring of learning time are driven and shaped by the learning community’s intended learning impacts.

Learning Principle 10: Respectful, healthy, ethical relationships and interactions create a true sense of community. Communication is honest and transparent. Community values are clearly stated, actively lived and define a distinct, sustained identity.


With rapid changes occurring in the second decade of the 21st century, schools are recognising that traditional assessment-driven approaches, which were once acceptable even ten years ago for student growth have become irrelevant for future work. Students must face a volatile, unpredictable, complex and uncertain (VUCA) future. The ability to be agile in critical thought and skill acquisition is necessary to navigate these circumstances. It is the belief of the school that skill focused curriculum is essential and can no longer be a side topic to student learning. The Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills have now become deeply embedded in the IB system from grades Discovery to Diploma. Alongside this belief in skill development is the recognition of the impact that neuroscience is having on pedagogical practice

with a new awareness of the the ecology of learning and how it affects emotion and engagement. Although what comes next is unpredictable, the school is ready to meet the needs of 21st century learners and to rapidly adapt to these changing understandings within education.

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